
WHat is Hear First?


Hear First is a company based on a very simple concept. We’re bored. Bored of the same tired, trite narratives filling our screens and cluttering our download speeds. The fifth instalment of a twelfth remake of a second adaptation is no longer floating our boats and our interest died a long time ago.

But we like to be interested.

We like being told new stories.

And we like to develop content.

By working as a two-man team we have set out to create a platform for new writers to have their voices heard, through the medium of the 21st Century Radio Station — a Podcast. Each month we distribute a brand new episode from an anthology of stories, all with one aim in mind: To give writers a chance to speak with a new voice and find out who’s ready to listen.




Craig Busek

Craig is Head of Content at Hear First. A lover of all genres, he just loves to hear good stories told well.

After studying Screenwriting at Ravensbourne University, Craig has since developed his writing abilities working on shorts and features for a number of independent production companies across the UK and, more recently, China. His films have won awards from the Royal Television Society, been funded by the Warner Bros Talent Development Scholarship, and recognised by the Madrid International Film Festival, Berlinale International Film Festival and FrightFest.


Gareth WOod

Gareth is head of audio for Hear First. He lives for well recorded sound and believes audio is the most effective way to tell a story.

He’s been working with sound for over 8 years with a musical background that goes back a decade more. His experience is varied, from recording on set, to rigging Olympic venues. He now keeps his focus inside the studio where he’s designed sound on numerous films and online content and worked alongside Hollywood A-listers, recording voiceovers on a daily basis at his day job in a Central London recording studio.
